Steve Harvey is currently in the country and we will be getting a local version of Family Feud.

Steve Harvey is currently in South Africa and on Monday he announced the launch of an African version of the family feud.

At a press briefing held in Johannesburg, US comedian and television show host Steve Harvey said that he would be bringing his popular game show Family Feud to the African continent.  

The show will be hosted by himself, and will feature our everyday South African family.

“He further said it will be the same format, except it will be an hour long. The difference is, some of the questions will be catered to the African culture so it can more relatable. The beauty of it is, Africans deserve to see each other on TV.”

Filming for the South African version of Family Feud will commence in October 2019. The show will air in the first quarter of 2020.    



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