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Sunday, 26 April 2020 08:40

More than 200 Cuban health professionals are expected to arrive in South Africa.


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217 Cuban healthcare workers on their way to South Africa to help combat coronavirus,according to Cuban Ambassador Rodolfo Benítez Verson.

The Cuban professionals include family physicians, epidemiologists, biostatists, healthcare technology engineers and biotechnology experts, among other specialists.

According to a statement issued by the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in South Africa, they will be deployed in different provinces of the country in accordance with the strategic plans of the South African Department of Health.

“These times require cooperation and solidarity. I we act together, the propagation of the virus [Covid-19] will be halted in a faster and more-effective manner. Twenty-one Cuban medical brigades with more than 1 200 health professionals are already deployed in 21 countires, assiting in the fight against the coronavirus.”

The brigade’s deployment in South Africa comes on request of the South African government.

Cuba has more than 37,000 health care workers in 67 countries worldwide, according to the foreign ministry. 

Earlier this month Minister of Health, Zweli Mkhize, has announced South Africa would seek assistance from Cuba and China to fight Covid-19, saying their expertise was needed in South Africa.

"The advantage of Cuba is that their community and district health model is actually one that we would like to use because it works in instances where we would like to reach out to as many communities and ensure there is good [coverage] at community level," Mkhize said.