Telling empowering stories, South Africans want to hear

Monday, 27 April 2020 12:21

CIC Julius Malema delivered a Freedom Day address.


EFF leader Julius Malema has delivered a virtual Freedom Day address.

Malema said the 27th of April is remembered as a day where we achieved political freedom after years of negotiation between the liberation movement and the Apartheid regime.

It is important for us to remember that 1994 did not come as a result of the goodwill of the leaders of the Apartheid regime as many would like to have us believe today.

This day which has come to be known as Freedom Day comes at a time when we are going through great difficulty, not only as a nation but as a people all across the world.

The 1994 dispensation came after decades of political struggle and ultimately it led to the negotiated settlement that gave us our constitutional democracy.

Fellow Fighters, already in the 1950s, Fanon wrote about Africans as the Wretched of the Earth. He located the racism directed at the people of African descents to be the greatest and most violent of all oppressions.

He said there is no Freedom Day in South Africa without the total liberation of the African continent. We must further the gains of political freedom by building an integrated African economy.

"It is a day that has come to be known as Freedom Day, as it was a day that was meant to be the first step towards the liberation of our people."

Malema added that the World Health Organization estimate that 44 countries in Africa have a total of 5 000 intensive care units.

There are countries that have less than 10 ventilators that are much needed during this period to fight COVID-19, those that seems to have more, these medical equipments are concentrated in facilities that services the few.

Our solidarity and unity with our fellow Africans and all poor nations must go beyond our narrow boarders. Our public healthcare system in the African continent, as it is the case here in South Africa, it is broken and serves the few rich.

We must all be grateful for the visionary leadership of Commandante Fidel Castro who started the Cuban Medical Internationalism more than 60 years ago and we thank the Cuban doctors who have gone to the frontline and fight Coronavirus, and we also want to welcome them to South Africa.

"As revolutionaries, it is important that we remember this day as an important transition to a democratic dispensation, but not one where we achieved Independence. Many sacrifices and compromises were made, which saw the economy remain in the hands of the oppressor. Power remains with the white minority."

As the EFF family we wish to pass our condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones because of the Corona Virus, here in South Africa, the continent and the world.


Watch:Julius Malema Freedom Day Address:

Courtesy of EFF.