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Sunday, 03 May 2020 13:16

Watch Live:Thulas Nxesi expected to give update as many return to work as the country moved from Level 5 to Level 4.

Photo Credit:Trevor Samson.

The Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi will host a media briefing  to update the country on the back-to-work readiness strategy. 

Nxesi is expected to speak on the businesses legible to return to work as the country has moved from COVID-19 ockdown Level 5 to Level 4.

As more businesses and industries will be returning to work, the issue of maintaining social distancing, workers’ health and safety in factories and companies will be one of the focuses by the minister.

Last week, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the move from Level 5 (Absolute lockdown) to Level 4 in terms of the country’s response to fighting COVID-19. This means that a lot more people are now going back to work from Monday, May 4. 

A number of businesses had completely closed down due to the pandemic and now they need to resume their activities. This requires specific arrangements with regards to the Occupational Health and Safety Act which requires the employer to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks to the health of workers and to take such steps to eliminate or mitigate the hazard or potential hazard.

Watch the Live Feed Here:

Courtesy of Government of South Africa.