By Lehlohonolo Lehana.
Photo Credit:Jurie Potgiete.
Radio personality Thabo “T-Bose” Mokwele is renowned for bringing topics to the airwaves that challenge and invoke human introspection and dialogue with his audience.
Mokwele recently launched his own book at the Imbizo Shisanyama in his community of Tembisa. Titled Pause, the book consists of topics that encourage the reader to reflect on issues such as money, using time wisely as well as navigating romantic and platonic relationships, among other topics.
The book was published by Tracey McDonald Publishers.
Pause is a compilation of Mokwele’s pearls of wisdom and lessons about life, God, money, relationships, parenting and, most importantly, self-mastery. His knowledge has been acquired by reading other philosophers’ views on life and love, from interviewing entrepreneurs and entertainers about self-sufficiency, and preachers and teachers about self-mastery. This, you may say, is his ‘bible’; to drive his life, and a lens through which he views his existence.
Mokwele shares what he knows, what he practises and what still challenges him. It’s a book that everyone, from teens to adults, should read for a glimpse, and as a guide, to living a life that is meaningful.
He says that he’s accumulated all his wisdom and knowledge from “being a student of life and by reading a lot, watching a lot and listening a lot”.
On what he wants to the reader to take away from his book, Mokwele says more than anything, he wants the book to be a conversation starter.
“I’d like them to have a conversation and for it to be an icebreaker. Not only that, I’d also like the book to be reflective because sometimes we make mistakes but because there’s no one to reflect it with you, you think you’re right or you punish yourself from those mistakes instead of learning from them. So, here’s a book that says ‘I’m a mirror’,” he concludes.
Revered as the man with the magic behind the microphone, “T-Bose” has been blessed with a business acumen to admire, a philanthropic persuasion and the glorious ‘gift of the gab’.
With a successful career following his passionate penchant for radio, “T-Bose” as he is affectionately known, has been in the commercial broadcasting business since 1997, and has explored an array of avenues on the airwaves.
With a magnitude of success under T-Bose belt, this entrepreneur, emcee, award-winning broadcaster, businessman, philanthropist, husband and father, all with ‘a velvet voice and infectious energy’, remains grounded and gracious.
We learn from our mistakes, but some mistakes are costly and should never be repeated. And if reading a short chapter on a particular topic can help mould a young person’s life, or assist an adult to self-correct, then Pause is a must-read.