Miss SA launches children’s book tackling bullying – Shudu Finds her Magic.

By Lehlohonolo Lehana.

In this courageous and beautiful book, Miss South Africa, Shudufhadzo Musida, tells the story of her upbringing: of a delightful and outgoing girl in a small village named Ha-Vhangani. She is surrounded by a loving extended family. Things for Shudu, however, take a turn for the worse when her mother gets a new job and they move to Mpumalanga. At her new school, Shudu is bullied by her classmates.

Read how Shudu overcomes the bullying and sadness, and grows into a girl, and then an adult, who has learned to love herself. ‘The one lesson I learnt is that when something bad is happening to you it is important to speak to an adult that you trust about it. This could be a parent, a family member, a teacher or an elder. Remember that being bullied is not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you. Nobody should have to go through what I went through.’ – Shudufhadzo Musida.

Published in partnership with Miss South Africa, the book is available in Afrikaans (Shudu Vind Haar Sprankel), English (Shudu Finds Her Magic), Sesotho (Shudu O Sibolla Boikgetho ba hae), Venda (Shudu u wana Vhuṱolo Hawe), Xhosa (uShudu u Fumanisa ukuba UnoMlingo) and Zulu (uShudu Uthola Umlingo Wakhe).

The Miss South Africa Organisation and Jacana Media are determined that Musida’s book is available to children around the country. For every book sold, one will be donated to Childline South Africa and The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) who help children with issues like bullying and depression. Copies will also be given to literacy organisations like Biblionef which donate books to schools and libraries to help foster a love of reading.

Musida will be giving a series of virtual school readings and will do a countrywide tour to promote it, subject to Covid-19 restrictions. Booking requests may be made here link.

Visit the websites https://www.misssa.co.za/shudu-finds-her-magic-book/ and https://jacana.co.za/shudu-finds-her-magic/ to find out more.

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