Introducing The Economy on your Doorstep by Ayabonga Cawe.

Entertainment Reporter.

Economic ideas have to explain how, why and under what conditions an unequal society develops. More importantly, they have to explain how, as people in the domain of ideas and political action, we can actually change these conditions which, far from being an outcome of divine action, are an outcome of human (in)action and the spaces created or closed by policy.  

This book goes through and beyond the graphs, margin calls, trading updates, indices and earnings reports to explain how economic ‘actions’ frame the lives of South Africans in a transitional society faced with the challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality. 

It is an outcome of extensive conversations with people. Reflections, as Paulo Freire would suggest, ‘with and alongside’ the people, drawn from radio conversations, research interviews, off-the-record reflections, newspaper columns, annual reports, statistical surveys, seminars, lectures and policy debates over the course of the last few years.

The Economy on your Doorstep is an exposition of what we see around us, and a discussion of possible ways beyond it. For more information, please refer to the attachments.

AYABONGA CAWE is a Johannesburg-based development economist, sessional lecturer, columnist, broadcaster and activist. He is managing director of Xesibe Holdings (Pty) Ltd, a platform involved in advisory, facilitation and content development across a wide range of fields. He hosts MetroFMTalk on MetroFM and writes a regular column for Business Day. Ayabonga has experience in economic research, policy and supply chain analysis, labour markets, advocacy and development programme design and is a member of the Presidential Economic Advisory Council, chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

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